El diario de jonathan Wiki
El diario de jonathan Wiki

//================================ // jQuery Slider //================================

// Code from http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.js created by "Tierrie" // see also http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.js/slider.js


mw.loader.using(["jquery.ui.tabs"], function() {

 $(".portal_vtab").tabs().addClass("ui-tabs-vertical ui-helper-clearfix");
 $(".portal_vtab > ul > li").removeClass("ui-corner-top").addClass("ui-corner-left");
 var $tabs = $("#portal_slider").tabs({
   fx: {
     opacity: "toggle",
     duration: 100
 $(".portal_sliderlink").click(function() { // binding click event
   $tabs.tabs("select", this.className.match(/portal_sliderlink-(\d+)/)[1]);
   return false;
 $(".portal_sliderlink[data-hover-image]").hover(function() {
 var existingImage = this.querySelector('img'),
     hoverImage = document.createElement('img');

 // Ensure images are fixed in-place, to minimize flicker when loading the hover image.
 // `.portal_sliderlink` should be absolutely positioned, so it serves as our relative reference point.
 [existingImage, hoverImage].forEach(function (image) {
   image.style.position = 'absolute';
   image.style.left = '0';
   image.style.top = '0';

 hoverImage.src = this.dataset.hoverImage;
 existingImage.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', hoverImage);

}, function() {

 this.querySelector('img + img').remove();


 $(".portal_next").click(function() { // binding click event

var selected = $tabs.tabs("option", "selected");

   $tabs.tabs("select", selected + 1); // switch to next tab
   return false;
 $(".portal_prev").click(function() { // binding click event

var selected = $tabs.tabs("option", "selected");

   $tabs.tabs("select", selected - 1); // switch to previous tab
   return false;

